Building your email list should be your number 1 priority.
It is without a doubt your highest ROI activity.
An email list can have a mind-blowing impact on your website’s traffic and… most importantly on you bottom line.
Once you have yours and you keep growing it…it’s really is like an asset that just spits out cash every month…. that is if you do it correctly (more on that later)
Table of Contents
Monetize Your Email List
Imagine what your day will be like when you’ve finally figured “all this thing” out…and have an engaging tribe of people in your email list….
You wake up.
Open your laptob.
Send an email.
Brew some coffee.
When you get back to your chair and sip your first cup of coffee you refresh your screen and… voilà…
…$167 coming your way.
You go on to your day. Go to the gym. Go snowboarding, or whatever, and when you get back for lunch.
You refresh your screen…
…$384 in total profits for your “day’s work”.
Not bad, right?
That’s actually what I do every day.
Actually that is not (entirely) true.
Most of the time I’ve already made about $100-$150 BY THE TIME I wake up at 6am. (What would you do with another $150 coming your way everyday?)
Meaning I’ve already made what a lot of people make from their 9-5…
…And “I did” all that while sleeping.
Now I don’t say that to brag at all. (This is actually VERY little money in the “make money online” world).
I’m really just an average guy.
And A LOT of people make WAY MORE than this (think “$5k-$10k + per day” more).
I’m only stating it here so you can REALLY crasp this point:
Got it?
Now let’s move on to the meat of this article.
What Are The Best Ways To Build Your Email List
I said the “Best” because there are A LOT of ways to build your email list.
But since everything in business and in life is based on the 80/20 rule, you need to focus your attention.
So here are the best ways you can build your email list from scratch.
Number 1 – The Infamous “Pop Up”
It’s called the Pop Up because this optin litteraly “pops up” in your face when you land on a page.
And I called it the infamous because a lot of people find it irritating.
Maybe you do too…
But the thing is…it works!
And it works great!
Here are some stats from my other blog with this type of optin:
As you can see I get between 2.16% to 4.51% to Opt In (give me their email) JUST from the “POP UP” opt in.
Why do I have so MANY different opt in?
And this is THE KEY to get GOOD & QUALITY opt in rates.
You want your Opt In Offer (more on that later) to be RELEVANT to what they are CURRENTLY READING.
So if someone reads an article about gardening…. my optin offer will be about gardening.
What should be your opt in offer about?
One word. More value.
You offer them a “lead magnet” in exchange for their “email”.
A lead magnet could be:
- A checklist
- A free email dripping course (my personal favorite)
- A cheat sheet
- A template
- An ebook
The “trick” is to make it:
- Valuable
- Easily consumable (not 276 pages ebook)
- Fast to use (no 16 weeks email course)
In order words.
You want to offer them a chance to go deeper in their quest for more knowledge.
You want to offer them MORE value IF they want too.
For example.
If they read your article on “How To Lose 10lbs in 10 days”…. your opt in offer might be “Grab My 10 Free Easy “Burn Your Fat While You Sleep” Recipes “.
Here’s another example from my other blog:
This is an Opt In that appears on winter or vehicle related articles:
This one “converts” about 3 people out of 100 who visited these winter or vehicle related articles.
As you can see…it’s nothing fancy.
A good Ol’ checklist!
If you could ONLY implement one opt in….I would suggest the POP UP opt in.
Now if you want to get 25%-40% opt in rate… or more… You’re going to love this Opt In.
Number 2 – The Landing Page
The landing page is very simple to build…and it works really great.
It is basically an opt in form on a page.
That’s it.
No distractions. No bells. No whistles.
People who lands on your landing page…either…
- Opt in and receive the free gift (lead magnet)
- Or leave
Now if you’re a bit like me, you’ll learn best by seeing some examples.
So below you’ll find examples of GOOD landing pages….And freaking BAD landing pages.
What Is A Good Landing Page
Here are some examples of good Landing Page Opt In:
Example 1:
This one is good. It has only ONE goal…. that you get their “Free Facebook Marketing Planning Session”…. in exchange for your name. email. phone number.
They also added some “social proof” with a bunch of big brands. If you have testimonials that would be a good place to plug them in.
And this landing page also has an aura of “authority” by simply adding their phone number. I mean NO one is going to call them… but just the fact that IT’S THERE adds a lot of credibility to their brand.
Example 2:
This one is even simpler. There’s just no question about what you’re going to get.
You’ll learn “How to go from 0 to 100k on IG and turn your followers into dollars”.
IF people want more info before they opt in….they can listen to the video.
This landing page also uses a bit of scarcity when it claims that there are “only 200 free spots”
And it also uses a bit of emergency that they got “no plan” to send a replay.
So you basically have to watch it on that day… or forever miss out.
So if you want to make good landing pages so you can build your email list faster…
Here’s what your landing page needs:
- Only ONE goal: No bells & whistles. The simpler. The better.
- Social Proof: Use either or both testimonials and big brands that acknowledge you.
- Authority: If you can use “authority” people to endorce you or have a 1-800 number to show, it will greatly increases your aura of authority.
- Scarcity: Whenever you can… make your “lead magnet” appears exclusive or very rare. Diamonds are so damn expensive because they are so RARE. Ice to an eskimo is woth $0… but worth a hell of a lot more to a fish shop.
- Emergency: It is human nature to Fear OF Missing Out (FOMO). No one wants to lose the chance to grab a good deal. No one wants to regret their inaction and say to themselves “I shoulda” or “I coulda”. Use FOMO with authenticity though. You don’t want to say they only have 4 hours to do so….and the day after you promote the same thing again. It’s not ethical and people hate it. So now you’re warned. Use it parsimoniously(wow fancy word).
Ok so now that you know what a GOOD landing page looks like… let’s have some fun and look at a shitty one!
What Does A Shitty Landing Page Look Like
Here is an example of a very shitty Landing Page Opt In:
One word of advice before I show it to you….
Brace your eyes!
You can NOT unsee this after. I mean it.
Don’t come back to me and say I didn’t warn you…
That is some ugly page..don’t you think?
I mean wow! My gosh… it’s like they vomitted everything they do on a single page.
But why is it so ugly? (serious question).
Let’s find out what this page misses…
- Only One Goal? If you can guess what is their ONE goal on that page… congrats. There’s like a BAZILLION flashy things on this landing page. If I ever get lost on the web… and magically land on THIS page I’ll probably get an epileptic seizure just looking at it. No joke.
- Authority? LOL. ok onto the next one.
- Social Proof? Well, it’s got an “As Seen on TV” but… I don’t think that really helps them a lot. There’s no testimonials. No endorcements. Nada.
- Scarcity? Not that I can see.
- Emergency? Except from my epilptic seizure… I see no sense of emergency or fomo being used here.
Now that you know how to build a POP UP and a Landing Page opt in…
Number 3 – Context Lead Magnet
This is when the dynamic is turned upside down.
I’ve been trying and expirimenting this for some time now.
It works like this:
You lead with value.
(value = context + discovery + epiphany).
You don’t ASK them to trade their email… only their attention.
The entire dynamic is switched, and best of all… rigged in their favor.
They get to consume the “lead magnet” BEFORE they EVER opt in (give you their email address).
Basically you’re saying to them.
“Here’s what I have. Read it. Free. No need to opt-in. Enjoy! If you liked it, I have more of that. I’m sure you’ll like.”
The “lead magnet” becomes your article.
… all BEFORE they give your their email address.
Right there on your blog.
The value is there, proudly out in the open, for them to read and judge. They either love it or hate it. But it’s there for them and free of charge (no opt in).
This DRAMATICALLY change the dynamics.
It will PULL your best prospects toward you with your best content…
…INSTEAD of you having to PUSH your agenda deep in their throat.
So you content, the “Context Lead Magnet” will REPEL everyone you don’t want…and PULL the right person toward you with ease.
In order words.
The opt-in, for the right person, will be a no-brainer.
They’ll dive through head first and gladly give up their best email address.
There’s always MUCH more to give.
Yes… you won’t get EVERY email address.
You won’t build your email list as fast as with the other 2 best opt ins…
But don’t worry…
You won’t lose your chance of capturing the email address of YOUR BEST PEOPLE.
You put out your best content out there for free (your articles, your videos, etc) which will PULL them in.
Only THEN do you give them an opportunity to opt-in.
Is how you earn the attention of the people WORTH doing business with.
The big shift is aknowledging that you will not be able to GET every email…only the ones from your best prospects.
And when you’ll send them an email…
- You’ll get higher open rates (40-70%)
- You’ll get higher click through rates
- You’ll be able to make a living…even if your list is very small.
But you first got to GIVE first.. and not simply anything. Give only your very best content.
So to recap:
Context Lead Magnet = Your best content out there free of charge (no opt in):
- Info that’s relevant,
- with context,
- that is new (a discovery) for you prospects.
- and creates an epiphany.
That’s the formula.
Here’s the kicker, so pay attention:
This idea of GIVING first (before any “ask”) is universal.
It’s not a tactic.
It’s something that is very well entranched in human nature.
It’s the Golden Rule so to speak. It has been there for as long as humans have been here.
It just got lost…. At least in the “make money online world”.
Lost through the see of “fake” gurus who see their email list as dollar signs…instead of PEOPLE. They progerssivly drop the Golden Rule and went with a “churn and burn” kind of mentality pushing their products untill you either buy… or unsubscribe.
That’s a very shallow way to go through life.
Instead embrace the GIVE value First mentality of the “Context Lead Magnet”… and with time you’ll reap what you sowed.
Next Steps
Now you know how to build your email list from scratch.
It won’t happen overnight. But day by day you’ll grow your email list of “raving fans”.
With time your email list will have a mind-blowing impact on your website’s traffic and… most importantly on you bottom line.
Once you have yours and you keep growing it…it’s really is like an asset that just spits out cash every month….
Have yourself a great day!
Max “GIVE first mentality” FreedomSeeker
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