Primary Promise: Make money from start-ups with this guy’s $80,000 a month approach.
Proprietary Solution: “The 1,000% Backdoor.”
Intellectually Interesting Appeal: What the heck is the “1,000% backdoor”… is it some secret method for making money from startups… and how is it making this guy $80,000 a month?
This big idea hints at a way to make massive gains by investing in startups in a way known by few – hence the “backdoor” verbiage.
Another point of interest is the image. The man shown is a rather nerdy-looking, geeky guy. It happens to be the actual investor, but his appearance lends credibility to the promotion.
He just seems like someone who is very smart. Imagine this same promotion with a muscle-bound gym rat. It just wouldn’t have the same appeal, now would it? This is an important aspect of persuasion.
If you’re promoting a product for bodybuilders and you are the product creator, then you had better look jacked.
If you’re selling an accounting software, then you’re best suited to be sitting behind a desk wearing a shirt and tie.
When used correctly, appearances can be an extremely powerful weapon of persuasion.
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